celebrated my bday wif them at the island at the hotel bar...had alot of jack daniels and a shot of tequila...wahahaha
lots more snorkeling...and i dint get to see sharks o turtle o anything...ish...due to the overload of people...omg...shark also run away le i guess...aikz...played beach volley ball...the third time in my life...ahahaha...and the volley ball bcame a beach football...LOL...
played malaysia version of monopoly...sardina if not wrong...well...end up gab winning by building a hotel and darien kinda step on it...hahahahaha...as for me...being gg-ed by darien after lulu being ko-ed by darien...LOL (tats double kill for darien...omg)
well...overall the trip is fun and is good to hav a another trip like tat...hahaha...cant keep on working working oni...must enjoy life sumtimes and relax...wahahahaha...looking forward next trip...XD
tats all then...lazy to write liao...haha...hope my next post wont take 3 months so long...LOL